Paradigmatic classification of mythonyms, used in the Nasimi language
mythonyms, theonyms, demononyms, mythoanthroponyms, mythoponyms, mythocthematonyms, mythoornithonymsAbstract
The article is devoted to the mythonymy used in the language of the poet Imadaddin Nasimi, who is a prominent representative of the Azerbaijani literature of Sufism and is distinguished by his Hurufi views. As a result of the study, it was found that the ideological basis, or rather the core, of the creativity of the mystic poet, which make up the religious and mythological concept, are the names of Allah, the dargah of God, the afterlife, the heavenly layers, the names of creatures and places associated with the night of Miraj, etc. e. The following main types of mythonyms are observed in the poet's work: theonyms, demononyms, mythoanthroponyms, mythoponyms, mythocosmonyms, mythocthematonyms, mythophytonyms, mythozoonyms, mythoornithonyms. Some of them have their own branches. Theonyms are divided into monotheistic onyms (the names and attributes of Allah, which are part of asmaul-husna and whose inclusion is disputed; onyms that are the product of the creative imagination of the poets of classical literature and related to Sufi terminology) and polytheistic onyms. Myphotoponyms (mythical geographical names) include mythooronyms (mythical names of mountains), mythospeleonims (mythical names of caves, rocks, wells), mythohydronyms (mythical names of rivers, springs), mythoecclezionims (places of religious worship), mythoagoronyms (mythical names of squares and open spaces) and includes mythodryonyms (names of mythical gardens and parks, such as the Garden of Iram and the Gardens of Eden). In the work of Nasimi, there are mythoctematonyms (mythical spiritual objects of culture), mythocrematonyms (names of mythical cultural objects), mythobiblonyms (a book in the presence of God) and mythochrononyms (names of mythical holidays and significant days). Mytho-zoonyms (mythical names of animals) used in the Nasimi language branch into mytho-ornithonyms (mythical birds).
The article emphasizes that the following onomastic groups of words were involved in the study for the first time in Azerbaijani linguistics: theonyms related to monotheism and polytheism, mythochrononyms, which are types of mythocthematonyms, mythobiblionyms and mythocrematonyms, mythodryonyms, which are types of mythoponyms, mythoagoronyms and mythoecclezionims.