Manifestations of semantic differentiation in words of Turkic origin in East Slavic languages


  • Minakhanim Taklali Nuriyeva


Turkism, semantics, Russian, Slavic, Turkic


Russian lexicologists have always noted the role of Turkic languages in the development, enrichment and perfection of the points of view of the expressiveness of the Russian language. The article extensively studies the process of semantic differentiation in the Turkisms of East Slavic languages, based on the very rich facts provided by Russian literary and artistic language materials. It is shown that in many cases, a word from the source language, which entered the Russian language with only one meaning, later acquires its semantic flexibility and richness in that new environment. Thus, it significantly enriched the semantics of the vocabulary of the language, which passed as an independent lexical unit. This article, developed in a diachronic aspect, identifies the objective and subjective reasons for changes in meaning, the semantic development of Turkisms is traced on the linguistic facts provided by Russian literary and artistic language materials, the regularities of semantic development are revealed. The strong semantic adaptation of Turkic words in Russian manifests itself in both literary and living language: колпак, сазан, бардак, карга, кавардак, талан (trophies, fate, happiness), кошма, тюфяк (helpless, weak, weak-willed person), байбак, болван, таран, балаган, бирюк, мишурный, чехарда, балык, топор, утюг, дурман, ералаш, кирпич, оджак, вурдалак… based on such conclusions, it can be concluded that the figurative, polysemantic, metaphorical qualities of the vast majority of Turkic words confirm that they are necessary linguistic facts in this language. In our opinion, conducting research in this field will help to form and finally expand new ideas in the field of Turkology, but will also be an important event in the study of our linguistics and, in particular, our linguistic relations.





