The Features of Language and Style in A.Shaig’s Poems


  • Ali Erol


Abdulla Shaig, Azerbaijani Literature, Azerbaijani language


The principle of “socialism” (toplumculuk) of Abdulla Shaig related to the terms of the notion of art also reflects itself in his preference about the language issue. A.Shaig is in the thought that the language and style “carries the value of signature” for the writer. Shaig who also defines the language as the key of signature is in the thought that the writers must have the great missions in the matter of improving of this element.

Abdulla Shaig has been under the influence of the Persian and Arabic languages more at the beginning of his career, especially in the years that he produced his first works. Later, he directs to the elements of his native language, to the sources of folklore language, literature and culture. According to them, the poems, the literary texts and the cultural elements that have reached till today by passed from the language to the other language, generation by generation for centuries are the most perceptible signs of the power and richness of Turkish. The poet has been focused to the appropriation of the native language both in the literary works and in the official duties with these thoughts and has contributed extensively to the development of the Azerbaijani language.

The remarkable features of language and style in Shaig’s poems will be tried to value with the samples in this article.






