Research on Heydar Aliyev’s vocabulary


  • Shukru Haluk Akalin


Heydar Aliyev, rhetoric, vocabulary, semantics, lexicology


With the broad vocabulary which he uses in his speeches, writings and books, Azerbaijan’s great leader, the wise personality of the Turkic world, the great statesman Heydar Aliyev was an exemplary master of rhetoric, deftly interweaving expressions of precisely distinguished meaning and using effective syntax. As he carried out the important work at the government level of developing and spreading the language of Azerbaijan and gaining it self-esteem, of decision-making and of issuing laws, Heydar Aliyev showed personally in his speeches and writings as much as in his language policies by using language which was an example to everyone how rich a vocabulary the language should have.

Examining the vocabulary of Heydar Aliyev’s speeches and writings from this aspect, it is seen that at the base of his capability of expression and effective use of language is a rich vocabulary which covers a very wide range and includes fine distinctions of meaning. In the paper, a corpus is presented, formed with the aim of determining the vocabulary of General National Leader Heydar Aliyev’s speeches, declarations and writings entitled Elm və Təhsil, and information is given on how this vocabulary is to be scientifically researched.





