Place and usage characteristics of Turkic elements in plant names in East Slavic languages


  • Minakhanim Taklali Nuriyeva


plant,, flower, Turkish,, Russian language


We have done extensive research on words of Turkic origin, which have been transferred to East Slavic languages, including Russian, and are now fixed position holders in these languages. In this study, we will try to draw specific conclusions about the process of using plant names of Turkish origin in East Slavic literary and artistic examples.Turkish origin ayva, patlıcan, bulgur, burchak, burunduk, üzüm, baldıran, bambak, bamya, buckan, cakan, chinar, chovdar/chaldar, evşan, imbir (ginger), fistaşka (pistachio), kabak, kalgan, kamış, karagan, kastan (chestnut), konopli (kenevir), kovil, kunjut (sesame), kuraga, kurluk, sarana, tavlga, tiken, dut, tütün, etc. words expressing hundreds of plant names are used with the same effectiveness as the words of this language. In this long period of time, serious and interesting changes have occurred in the content of words expressing plant names, as well as Turkish words, which are considered necessary lexical units used in different areas of daily life in East Slavic languages. In other words, in the historical development process, a separate group stands out among the names of plant species of Turkic origin that entered the vocabulary of the Russian language. Although these words do not mean plant names in Turkish languages, such words from Turkish languages only serve to express plant names by gaining a new meaning in the Russian language environment. For example: flower names Buharka, hivinka, tatarnik, tatarka, tatarin, kumanika(from Turkish city and folk names); biryuk, biryuchnik “börü” (melon) –epança “epancha” cherry variety - rosaceae fruit; legume “water bowl” (radish), klobuk//klobumulti “mushroom”, stakanchik “mushroom”, - vegetables; kolçak - mushroom name, Kalpak, Kalpa Çok “hat”, aroslanets from the name “lion”, kapkançik “tuzax” -flower name; basmak, basmacok “flower name in orchid family”, stakançik, epanecnik sultan//sultançik - flower names ets. is still widely used in the vocabulary of the Russian language.





