Russian epic about Bulgarians, Tatars and Turks


  • Rustam Nabiyev


Bulgars, Tatars, Turks, epos, song, saga, narration


In the article, a significant amount of information about Tatars, Turks and
Bulgarians in Russian songs, epics, and narratives is included in the analysis. The author
utilised early editions of historical songs and narratives as they contained more
comprehensive information about the past. The Russian chronicles, such as Ipatyev and
Nikanorov, have preserved the most archaic fragments of legends that mention the Turks.
The research methods used in this study have both general and specific scientific
characteristics. These include dialectical, historical, and comparative methods, which were
employed during a retrospective examination of the material. It is evident that certain plots
have been passed down from older cultures through varuislik. However, it is important to
note that the process of falsification of narrative plots and loss of ancient information is
sometimes observed. Over time, the replacement of ethnonyms, as well as the legitimate
distortion of unusual names, has drawn attention. The study's findings can be utilised by
historians, statisticians, and ethnographers for further research and teaching.





