History of Arab Settlement in Central Asia and Their Social Status


  • Hulya ASLANOVA


Central Asia, Arabs, Arab occupation, mass relocation, assimilation


Central Asian Arabs are small ethnic groups living in the countries of Central Asia.They live in small groups among the Uzbek, Tajik and Turkmen populations. Central Asian Arabs, close in culture and way of life to the Uzbek and Tajik population, still retain some features of their ancient culture. In the beginning, the Arabs lived in rather closed communities. The common historical fate with the predominantly indigenous population of Central Asia over the centuries, the same level of development of productive forces and, finally, the absence of differences in religious views led to the gradual unification of the Arabs with Tajiks, Uzbeks and Turkmens. Despite centuries of assimilation with the local population, the Arabs managed to preserve their linguistic traces and traditions.
The article discusses the mass relocation of Arabs as a result of the conquest of Central Asia by the Arab Caliphateand their resettlement in order to strengthen. The article gives a brief overview of the history of the arrival and settlement of Arabs in Central Asia, and provides information about their place in the demographic picture of the region, language features and main areas ofoccupation.





