Editorial Team

Editor-in-Chief: Academician Govhar Bakhshaliyeva

Associate editor: Assoc. Prof. Ruhangiz Jumshudlu

Executive Secretary: Assoc. Prof. Lala Aliyeva


 Editorial Board Members:

1. Academician I.Habibbeyli - President of ANAS

2. Academician V.V.Naumkin - Head of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Academician A.B.Kudelin - Head of the Institute of World Literature named after M.Gorky of the Russian Academy of Sciences

4. Academician N.Akhundova - Institute of History named after A.Bakikhanov of ANAS

5. Academician N.Valikhanli - General Director of the National History Museum of Azerbaijan of ANAS

6. Academician M.Naghisoylu - Advisor of ANAS

7. Academician Sh.Mustafayev - Institute of Oriental Studies named after Academician Z.M.Bunyadov of ANAS, head of the Department of History and Economy of Turkey

8. Professor T.Malikli - National Museum of Azerbaijani Literature named after N.Ganjavi of ANAS

9. Doctor of Sciences in History, Professor I.F.Popova - Director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences

10. Professor T.Jamil - Director of the Institute of Turkology and Central Asian Studies, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania

11. Professor T.Seyhan – Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Turkey

12. Professor M.E.Kilic - General Director of the Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation

13. Professor M.Khalvashi - Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia

14. Professor E.Guliyev - Head of the Research Center for Turkic Studies of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University

15. Professor M.M.Abdulhamid - Director of the Iraq Institute for Strategic Studies

16. Professor H.Eren - Turkey

17. Professor S.Rustamova-Tohidi - Institute of Oriental Studies named after Academician Z.M.Bunyadov of ANAS

18. Professor M.Kazimov - Baku State University, Head of the Department of Iranian Philology

19. Professor I.Hamidov - Institute of Literature named after Nizami of ANAS, Head of the Department of Ancient Azerbaijani Literature