The Goals of Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan Cooperation During the Collapse of the Socialist System


  • Dilbar HUSEYNLI


Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, empire, independence, relations


Starting from the 1970s, the USSR began to disintegrate due to erroneous economic, political and social policies pursued at the national level, as well as a number of processes taking place in the international arena.Socio-economic problems that had begun to arise in those years had begun to undermine society’s faith in ideology. Even a few years before this process, people who were convinced that they lived in the happiest society in the world were beginning to realize that this was not so.Ideology could no longer find a solution to the socio-economic problems of society and the desires of peoples.The colonial states, which had been in union for seventy years, began to strive for independence.In the last decade of the century, one by one they gained independence and became sovereign states.After that, the former colonial states gradually began to integrate into the system of international relations, the modern world and establish relations with other states.
Similarly, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan gained independence in the 1990s.After gaining independence, our countries easily established relations and began to cooperate in various fields due to common historical, religious and linguistic factors.Both in the colonial period and in the period of independence, our republics supported each other and maintained friendly relations.





