The tragedy of January 20 - the path of the freedom struggle to independence


  • Gunel MALIKLI


the tragedy of January 20, the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Khojaly massacre, territorial integrity


In response to the Azerbaijani people’sdesire for independence, the leadership of the USSR decided to show the power of the empire, to demonstrate its capabilities. On January 20, 1990, at night, the occupation of Baku was carried out with particular cruelty and unprecedented brutality. As a result of this bloody action in Baku and regions of the republic, 131 people were killed, 744 were injured and 841 people were arrested. Geographically, the first incident took place in the center, and the second in Karabakh. The goal was the same: to break the trust and will of the Azerbaijani people, to humiliate their national identity, to demonstrate the power of the Soviet military machine. At the end of the twentieth century, decisively and persistently moving towards gaining and strengthening independence, the Republic of Azerbaijan achieved its sacred goal – independence and managed to preserve and strengthen it, increased its prestige and proved the weight of its words and deeds throughout the world.





