Topic of Woman in the Azerbaijani Turkology


  • Vugar MAMMADOV


Turkology, the topic of woman, gender issue, gender equality, women’s rights


The topic of women in the public opinion and literature of Turkey and Central Asian countries has always been the focus of our Turkology scholars. A number of Turkish writers who gave a special place to women's problems in their works tried to convey to the reader their views on the role of women in the family and society, the problems they face in the family and society, and the artificial obstacles they face.
This article deals with the researches conducted at the Institute of Oriental Studies, named after Academician Z.Bunyadov of ANAS related to the topic of women. In this regard it analyzes Sariyya Gundoghdu’s monograph "Artistic representation of social problems in the works of Mehmed Akif Ersoy", Sadagat Gasimli’s book "New storytelling in Turkish literature" and her research work "New Turkish storytelling and social problems", Khanim Abdullayeva’s dissertation "19th century Turkish literatureformation and development of the novel genre”, Aysel Valiyeva's "Women's factor in Cen-tral Asian countries during the years of independence", and Humay Mammadova's research "Attitude towards women in the novels of Turkish women writers (pre-Republic period)". The article also men-tions the articles written by Turkology scholars of the Institute of Oriental Studies on this topic, as well as their conference papers presented at a number of international scientific conferences.





