Role and Place of Muslim Women in European Countries


  • Saadat ZEYNALOVA


Muslim women, European society, Islam, legal status, integration, Islamophobia


The main objective of the presented article is to outline the main aspects of the position of Muslim women in European society: the formation and integration of Muslim women, their legal status, issues concerning modern Muslim women, the reasons for their disintegration, and the differ-ences and similarities of the problems they face in the member countries of the European Union.
It should be noted that the issue of the status of Muslim women in the European Union, in particular in Germany, is highly controversial. On the one hand, the rights granted to women by the International Convention on Human Rights; on the other, the rights of Muslim women enshrined in the Koran.
Globalization and the development of information technology, the media, television, radio, and the Internet have made the world more accessible, and all of these have different impacts on Muslim women who have integrated into Europe. This is a very difficult period for Muslim women, since there is a trend that emphasizes that Muslim women, on the one hand, want everything modern; on the other hand, they are very jealous of their traditions and very conservative in these matters.

The work presents different opinions on the process of formation of a modern Muslim woman and attempts to answer the question of why the status of women in Islam causes so much controversy in the Western world and what exactly - Islam, traditions, or other factors - does not allow Muslim women in the EU to develop and fully integrate into European society.





