The Role of Conceptology in the Study of Word Coinage Process in the Kipchak Group Turkic Languages



word coinage, cognitive linguistics, derivational evolution, conceptology


As a matter of fact, the connection of conceptology with many areas of linguistics is undeniable, even though opinions vary regarding its definition and place in the study of language. Conceptology is also related to derivatology. As in all languages, it is possible to see this connection in the Turkic languages of the Kipchak group too.
The cognitive approach to the study of the derivational system of any language, including the Turkic languages of the Kipchak group, involves the study of the relationship between the structural components of consciousness and secondary nominative units and, in general, allows the understand-ing of the mechanisms of linguistic modeling of reality. The increased interest in the cognitive aspect of the word coinage process also helps in a deeper comprehension of the research.
According to cognitive science, the derivational process involves not only the creation of a new word but also the creation of new ideas. The creation of a word is not a mere formal expansion of the vocabulary but also the consolidation of new ideas by means of the words. In the field of the cognitive paradigm, a more productive way of word formation is through the use of word niches. They are complex units that reflect the cognitive nature and mechanism of word coinage.





