The Heritage of Mevlana in Azada Rustamova’s Research Works


  • Narmin RZAYEVA


Azada Rustamova, Mevlana, Masnavi-ye Ma’navi, Diwan


The article presents a study of the heritage of Mevlana in Azada Rustamova’s research works and consists of three parts: The first part is titled “Several Points from Mevlana Jalal al-Din Rumi’s Autobiography," the second part is titled “Sufi Views of Mevlana Jalal al-Din Rumi,” and the third part bears the name “Architectonics and Artistic Features of Poems of Mevlana." The third part, in its turn, includes three chapters: 1. Stylistic Features of the Masnavi. The proportion of inner and outer content in Mevlana’s works and 2. “Divan-i Kabir"—the Divine Love Melodies. The first part sheds some light on the basis of authentic sources on Mevlana’s personal life. The second part pre-sents a comparative study of the Sufi discourses as the unity of existence, death, transience, etc. The third chapter studies the content of the Masnavi together with its stylistic features. In the section titled Divan-i Kabir: The Divine Love Melodies, features of the ghazals of the poets are researched.





