Ethical norms in Prophet’s sayings (ahadith)


  • Elkhan Abdullabeyov


Hadith, prophet, ethics, gratitude, canon, behavior, standard


The article is devoted to the hadith of the Prophet. The focus is on the ethical content of the hadith. Each hadith is actually read only in an ethical aspect. In fact, hadiths are nothing more than a guide to behavior; they are ethical by definition, by their nature and functional purpose. The mea-ning of the hadith is that believers can behave correctly, in accordance with the moral laws that are established by Allah himself. Hadith define the ethical content of the relationship between Allah and man. The attitude of Allah to his creation is highly moral; on the contrary, the attitude of man to Allah is immoral. When Allah says the son of Adam, it means not one person, and not all people, but the fact of denial and ingratitude. Therefore, for a person, the highest standard of ethical behavi-or is gratitude towards Allah. The purpose of the article is to determine the main moral content of the Hadith of the Prophet. The article uses such general scientific methods as description, compari-son, induction and deduction. The novelty of the article lies in the analysis of ethical norms arising from the Hadith of the Prophet Mohammed and a comparative analysis of their content with the et-hical principles of Christianity.





