On Modern Philosophy and Communicative Culture of Pluralism


  • Roida Rzayeva


postmodernism, pluralism, dialogue, Own, Other


Modern philosophy takes an active part in working out and realization of dialogical forms of mutual understanding. It falls outside the limits negation or search of the general bases and is di-rected on understanding through variety by virtue of search of the semantic bases for it. The matter is that the philosophical culture implicitly contains dialogue. The interrelation of culture and philos-ophy is caused also by what the philosophy creates a platform for realization and activation of dia-logue. Postmodernism as a new style of thinking and outlook dictates the understanding of dialogue which acts as its immanent characteristic. It is possible to see dialogue of premodern, modern, and postmodern in postmodern as their coexistence is considered characteristic feature of postmodern. The problem of revealing of the intermediary between Own and Other is brought up to date during the dialogue. The consciousness as the means, which is carrying out philosophical communication, forms a new type of the thinking, peculiar characteristic of the modern epoch. In the conditions of postmodern this mentality is expressed in polythinking and multiculturalism. All it brings up to date the dialogical nature of postmodern and cultural pluralism. And it attracts attention to the communi-cative culture.





