“The Arab Apocalypse” in Etel Adnan’s work
Arabic poetry, language, creativity, visual artsAbstract
Etel Adnan is one of the genius women in the Middle East, a bright representative of cosmo-politanism. She spent most of her life comparing one country, one language, and one genre with another. Expressing her attitude towards the war of liberty in Algeria, she refused to express her po-litical views in French and directed the main focus of her work on the visual arts. She became an ar-tist, having won world fame. Her exhibitions are organized in many cities of Europe and the world, she is a member of the poetic movement, protesting against the war in Vietnam, and therefore began writing poetry and presenting herself as an “American poetess”. Etel Adnan’s “The Arab Apocalyp-se” was first published by the writer in French (1980), then translated into English (1989). The work which tells about the catastrophic events in the Arab world has not lost its relevance, and is being publishedtime after time.