Realist poet Jahit Ilgaz


  • Barat Osmanova


Social realist, Jahit Ilgaz, Turkish poetry, the war, the peace


After the declaration of the Turkish republic and as a result of social, cultural and political changes that affected all aspects of society, fundamental innovationsand various trends began to appear in Turkish literature. Under the influence social-realistic ideas were formed in Turkish poet-ry in the 1930s, and many poets began to write poems about the problems existed in the country and in the world, including Jahit Ilgaz.
The first poem of the author “Garip” was published in many literary journals of that time. His first book of poems “Children of this city” was published in 1935. In a book “My Talking Winds”, published in 1947, poems were written by the authors that wrote on social-realistic themes. The third poetic book “Ortalyk” (Medium) was published in 1952. The main ideas of the author's poetry are the plight of a people, social inequality, injustice in the country, the Second World War, which caused the death of people, disasters, peace, and the desire for freedom and hope for a bright future.





