Literature of “Fajr-i Ati” (The gleam of dawn)


  • Aydin Abiyev


Literature of Fajr-i Ati, famous representatives of the literary collective, life and work of the outstanding poet Ahmed Hashim


The literature of “Fajr-i Ati” is the literature that was created inside the Servet-i Funun. Ser-vet-i Funun continued to be the organ of the group publishing house. The Fajr-i Ati literary group was primarily devoted to European literature, which did not differ from the group’s own art, lan-guage, style and wealth.
Undoubtedly, the greatest representative of the poetry “Fajr-i Ati” was Ahmed Hashim. Ah-med Hashim as a bright representative of Turkish literature of the 20th century has a rich imagina-tion, excellent musical taste, a wide worldview. All his poems were written in aruz. The play “Lei-la”, written by Izzet Melih Devri, whose work began at an early age with writing poetry in prose, was warmly received by the public, as the first work of a Turkish writer created in French. Some of his works were also translated into German and English. “The Lake Clock”, “Piyala”, “For Us”, “The Poor Country of Storks” and “The Frankfurt Journey” all these works were written by Ahmed Hashim.





