Ibrahim Amini Haravi’s “Futuhati-Shahi” as One of the Main Sources of the Early Safavi Period


  • Samid BAGHIROV


Futuhati-Shahi, Shah Ismail, Safavid state, Ibrahim Amini Haravi, Khorasan, conquest, Herat, Shahenshahname, source


“Futuhati-Shahi” (Conquests of the Shah) can be considered the most reliable source of the early Safavid period. Its author, Ibrahim Amini Haravi, was born in Herat. While in Herat, Ibrahim Amini witnessed the Safavid victory over the Uzbek army of Sheibani Khan and the transition of Khorasan and adjacent regions under the control of the Gyzylbash. He even recited some official statements about the victory of the Gyzylbash in front of the residents of the city of Herat. Amini Haravi was a direct witness to the operations of the Gyzylbash army starting in 1910. The sources of the battles in which he did not participate were the Gyzylbash commanders. Therefore, his work and the information provided in it are considered the most original sources. "Habib-siyar," "Jahangushayi-Khagan,” and other sources have repeatedly referred to him. Amini Haravi states that he was instructed to write history by the highest authorities of the Safavid palace. Another advantage of Ibrahim Amini Harawi is that he was a poet and an expert in religious sciences, theology, and other popular sciences of the time. The language of the work “Futuhati-Shahi” is very idiomatic; the style is exaggerated and laconical. The story contains many quotations from the Koran, wise sayings, and Arabic and Persian proverbs. The work describes the political, military, economic, social, and religious situation of Shah Ismail's era. Compared to other matters, relatively more space was given to military and political events. Here, the Shah was described as a commander, a murshid of the Safavid Order, who promoted the Imami sect, as a sovereign who sought to restore social justice, focused on the social well-being of the people, valued obedient opponents, did not want to accept betrayal, and was distinguished by a generous disposition.





