China - Iran Relations in the Context of International Transport Projects


  • Ulker ALIYEVA


China-Iran relations, One Belt One Road initiative, Silk Road Economic Belt, 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, Zangezur Corridor


The article is devoted to the study of Iranian-Chinese relations in the context of the Chinese “One Belt, One Road” initiative and related international transport projects, as well as China’s economic and political activities in the Middle East. It is known that Iran is practically isolated in the international community as a result of restrictions in foreign policy, sanctions applied against it, and the cessation of economic and trade ties with the West. It has lost the opportunity to acquire new technologies from the West, as well as being deprived of the income that it could receive from oil sales. The only way out of this situation was to approach China, the main rival of the United States. China was the only power that could allow it to maintain its position in the international world, survive the economic collapse, and acquire modern technology. At the same time, China had its own goals for building a close relationship with Iran.
The article discusses the factors that led to the rapprochement between Iran and China, the interests of the parties, conflict issues between them, and the policy pursued by China, which does not want to disrupt its relations with major powers, especially the United States, because of Iran. The research paper analyzed international transport projects involving Iran and China, their interests and policies related to the regions through which these transport routes pass, especially China's goals related to the countries of the Middle East, as well as various approaches to Chinese politics inside China and abroad.
It is known that the Chinese “One Belt, One Road” project, launched in 2013, involves the implementation of two initiatives: the “Silk Road Economic Belt," passing through the mainland of Western Asia, and the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road," covering the sea routes of Asia. The article comparatively analyzes official information and expert opinions on China's plans related to the New Silk Road and examines the work done towards the implementation of the Silk Road Economic Belt project, issues of project financing, and activities to solve problems associated with some routes.
The research work also paid attention to such issues as Chinese investments in the Persian Gulf region, especially in Iran within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” project, the cause and solution of the existing conflict over the Chabahar port, the divergent economic relations of Iran and China, their participation in transport projects that contradict each other's interests, and the positions of Iran and China regarding the Zangezur corridor.





