The Theme of the Prophet in Islamic Miniature Art


  • Sabina Nematzade


Islam, the Holy Quran, miniatures, manuscripts, messenger, Mi’raj (Ascension)


In the Islamic world, painting developed against the backdrop of miniature art, while maintaining its identity. The goal here is not that the picture looked like, as it is in the original, but in the original idea and the possibility to bring it to its audience.
In the Islamic art of miniature, the religious and philosophical idea developed in the light of the Holy Quran and hadiths. Also in this art widely reflected the creation of the universe, the prophets in the three great holy books, the Koran, Torah and the Bible, their miracles, important events associated with them, scenes such as the Day of Judgment, heaven and hell, caliphs, imams and related topics. The article examines the place in the art of miniature of the theme of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his Ascension (Miraj).
The author attracted to the study the manuscripts on this topic stored in world museums and libraries, and also tried to analyze the views of Eastern and Western scholars on the problem of painting in Islam.





