The Organization of the United Armenian-Aysor Weapous Groups with the Purpose of Commiting Genocid in the West Part of Southern Azerbaijan in Witness Notes


  • Hasan Safary


United Armenian-Assyrian armed group, Urmia, Salmas, Armenians, genocide, missionary organizations


The article examines the organization of the united Armenian-Aysor armed groups that committed genocide against Azerbaijanis in the western region of South Azerbaijan, within the framework of the plan devised to create “Great Armenia”.
Notes and memoirs of the local population, as well as, officials of the Iranian government and consuls, who witnessed the creation of the united Armenian-Aysor armed groups, show that since the beginning of the 20th century, foreign missionary organizations and representative offices of Russia and Western countries have intensified their activities in the direction of creating the or-ganization of Armenians and Aysors in the western part of South Azerbaijan, and after the outbreak of the First World War, they raised the issue of creating a united Armenian-Aysor armed group.After the October coup in Russia, the plan to create an armed group was accelerated.The rea-son for accelerating the implementation of the plan was the withdrawal of Russian troops from South Azerbaijan.Being supported by Consul Nikitin, missionary organizations and foreign repre-sentatives of Western countries, Armenians and Aysors began to organize themselves in the form of an armed group.The armed group consisted mainly of Armenians who had recently moved to South Azerbaijan with 5,000 Armenians who left the army of Tsarist Russia, as well as about 40,000 Ay-sors from Turkey and previously settled in the Aysor region.





