Poetess of Licentious Poems and Mastura


  • Zumrud Ragimova-Shafiyeva


licentious, Sappho, Bilitis, Rabia Ka’b, Mahsati, Mihri Khatun, Mastura, Forough Farrokhzad


Writing licentious poems is a point that puts many poetesses of various nationalitiestogether, since ancient times.The pioneers who started to write poems of this artistic phenomenon were the Greek poetesses Sappho and Bilitis, who lived in the 6th century BC. Later, in Western literature, namely poetesses from South America and Argentina began to appear, known for their appeal to this particular topic.
The purpose of our research is to study this phenomenon not in the world literature, but in the literature of the Islamic East. The first poetess who addressed to this sort of poems was Rabia Ka’b. She lived in the 10th century and was a contemporary of Rudaki. After Rabia, this topic was re-flected in the works of Mahsati Ganjavi, Mihri Khatun, Makhsharaf-khanum Mastura and Forough Farrokhzad. Since poetry is based on love, these poetesses were also in love. Poetic talent, courage, high intellectual level, beauty were their main features. Being women, they did not hesitate to open-ly express their lyrical feelings and emotions.





