Cultural features of interaction between Western and Eastern civilizations (in the modern world) in the context of multiculturalism


  • Elnara Buniyatova


multiculturalism, integration of West and East, O. Spengler, A.Toynbee, Russian Renaissance


The article analyzes the views of Western and Russian philosophers to the issue of culturolo-gical features of the interaction of Western and Eastern civilizations and cultures. The intensive study of general civilizational and cultural problems of the integration of the West and the East be-gan in the first half of the twentieth century. Some researchers contend that the beginning of the division of the world into Western and Eastern civilizations and cultures should be attributed to the Renaissance. But more visible features of the Western and Eastern world as special historically formed forms of world civilizations were recorded at the beginning of the 19th century in connec-tion with the scientific, technical and industrial revolution taking place in Western European coun-tries. At the present stage of development of the world community in the context of globalization, it became necessary to study the problems of interaction of various forms of civilizations and cultures, as well as to determine the principles of multiculturalism. It should be noted that the regional and geographical localization of Western and Eastern civilizations and cultures is denoted differently in the scientific studies devoted to the study of peculiarities of their relationship. Considering the civi-lizational and cultural features of the West and the East, their interaction in the modern world, re-searchers note a high degree of consolidation in the interaction of Western countries, primarily Eu-rope and the United States.





