Palindromes in Arabic (based on the book by Khatib Tabrizi "Kitabu ma yugrau min ahirihi kama yugrau min avvalihi")


  • Gulshan Hamidli


palindrome, Khatib Tabrizi, 11th century, medieval Azerbaijani philologist, vocabulary


The article provides some information about the book of the medieval Azerbaijani philologist of the 11th century Khatib Tabrizi "كتاب ما يقرأ من آخره كما يقرأ من أوله " (lit. "The Book about words which is read from the end the same way as from the beginning"), in which the author collected words – palindromes.
At the beginning of the article, the author carries out a small study of the issue of palindromes in Russian and Azerbaijani languages. In view of the features of the Russian, which contains not only palindromic words and phrases, but also poetic works, the author pays special attention to this language.
Further, he gives a brief information about the author of this unique book, and his other works. Then in the article, the information about aforementioned book by Khatib Tabrizi is provid-ed. Also the author brings as a examples some of the words from this book. Each word given in the article subjects to careful lexicological analysis.





