
  • A.A. Bayramov
  • F.N. Abdullayev
  • S.S. Suleymanov
  • R.D. Karimova
  • H.N. Safarov
  • E.A. Rzayev


risk, seismology, multifactor method, earthquake, model


The study of risks in seismology or problems of earthquake forecasting are important tasks in modern earth science. The difficulty of solving these problems is that this task is multifactorial, because when assessing risk, many factors that affect the seismicity of an area should be considered. At the same time, to increase the credibility of the assessment, the degree of correlation between factors should be taken into account. Risk assessment depends on various geodynamic factors, which are determined individually for each area of the earth's surface. This paper discusses a multifactor method for implementing the task of assessing the risk of seismicity in an area.


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