Projection of social problems in Mirza Ali Mojuz’s satire


  • Aytan Guliyeva Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli of ANAS


satirical poetry, society, criticism, Shabestar, literary environment, ignorance


At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the changes that took place in the social and political life of South Azerbaijan did not leave an influence on the literary-cultural environment. The lack of attention of the state to the development of science and education, the prevention of the spread of literature and the press in the Azerbaijani language, the difficult economic condition of the country, the distortion of Islamic rules by forged religious people for the sake of their personal interests caused the rightful dissatisfaction of South Azerbaijani intellectuals. In fiction, which is a mirror of the happenings in the society, more critical and satirical works were created and began to dominate, showing a revealing attitude to the social events of the time. Mirza Ali Mojuz, is one of the notable artists of his period with satirical heritage. His satires created a new stage in the history of South Azerbaijani literature and were chosen for their colorful subject matter and high artistic craftsmanship. The research of Mirza Ali Mojuz’s works are interesting from the point of view of the development of tanz poetry in the South Azerbaijani literature, as well as the study of the influence of “Molla Nasreddin” literary school that spread to the south. The article analyzes the struggle of the poet, his attitude to his era, and the criticism targets of his satirical poetry.





