Issues of satire in the scientific heritage of Kamran Mamedov


  • Gulbeniz Babayeva Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Kamran Mamedov, Azerbaijani literature of the 19th–20th centuries, M.F.Akhundzade, J.Mamedguluzade, M.A.Sabir, satire, folklore, classical literature


The article analyzes works related to satire, which have occupied a special place in the scientific work of the famous literary scholar Kamran Mammadov. He is an author of monographic studies and many literary critical articles in the field of Azerbaijani literature of the 19th–20th centuries. In the scientific activity of the scientist, a special place is represented by significant works related to satire. His monographs “Satire in Azerbaijani poetry of the 19th century” and “Laughter in Azerbaijani poetry of the 20th century” are valuable examples of our literary criticism and remain relevant in our time. In these significant works, Kamran Mammadov cites the specific characteristics of each satirical genre, examines satirical genres through the prism of comprehension based on specific examples from folklore and classical literature.
Kamran Mammadov draws attention to the conclusion that one of the sources of Azerbaijani satire of the 19th–20th centuries is classical written literature. The author included in written literature not only the representatives of Azerbaijani literature being a main part of the oriental liteature such great poets as Khagani, Nizami, Nasimi, Fuzuli, but also means the great Ferdowsi, Saadi, Hafiz, and emphasizes that without them, oriental poetry was would not be so brilliant. The scientist also connects the formation of a realistic literary school, the creation of a strong aesthetic, philosophical and theoretical foundation in the history of Azerbaijani literature with the name of M.F.Akhundov. Kamran Mammadov considers satire to be a powerful and leading branch of Azerbaijani literature of the 20th century, which reached its peak thanks to “Molla Nasreddin”, especially to such outstanding personalities as M.A.Sabir and J.Mammadguluzade.





