Anar’s work “Kerem Kimi” (“Like Kerem…”) as a monumental novel-research work


  • Konul Zeynalli Baku Slavic University


Anar, Kerem kimi,, Nazim Hikmat, documentary prose, biography, documentary novel


There are enough documentary works in Anar’s creative work. In writer’s works such as “Without You”, “The Struggle goes on today”, “Ambassador of Dawn”, “Javid’s Life”, “Night Thoughts”, as well as in his numerous memoirs, the author is based on life facts, real life stories, and is full of biographical elements. The author called the work “Kerem kimi” published in 2015 “a novel of memories and thoughts about the work of Nazim Hikmet”. Such genre of the work can be connected with the encyclopedic features of the work. Because in the work “Kerem kimi” there are memories about Nazim Hikmat, facts and analyzes from Nazim’s creative work as a poet and literary critic, a collection of criticisms about Nazim, his personal life, broad headings from his genealogy, a number of documents about Nazim’s political activity and outlook, in parallel. The author’s personal and artistic approaches to all events and facts are demonstrated.
In the article, the theoretical features of the novel “Kerem Kimi” were analyzed, its compatibility with the documentary prose tradition was investigated, and the ways of approaching this novel in the literary world were compared and analyzed. The chapters of the novel have been called “boy” (“part”), critics have linked this with Turkish tendencies of Anar. One of the remarkable points throughout the work is that the author, along with his love for his hero, describes him as a living person, someone who is not free from mistakes. One of the most difficult aspects of writing a non-fiction work is maintaining the author’s neutrality and forming an opinion in the reader. Researchers believe that Anar successfully achieved this in his work. He described Nazim Hikmat as a person with his strengths and weaknesses, a citizen who loves his nation, a Turk, a poet who has gained the love and respect of the world, using the materials, images, letters, memories, and quotations from his works. The issues mentioned in the article were analyzed in detail.





