Processes of transition to multi-method literature and the formation of new literary movements


  • Isa Habibbeyli Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences


multi-method literature, transition, Azerbaijani literature, period of Independence


The article investigates for the first time the problem of the method of artistic creativity in Azerbaijani literature during the period of Independence. The author connects the existence of the creative method of socialist realism as a single artistic method in Soviet literature with the formation of the one-party society structure of the former Soviet Union. The establishment and development of an independent legal democratic state in Azerbaijan since the 90s led to the creation of an artistic and ideological field for the transition of a single creative method of literature to multi-method literature. The article answers the question of what multimethod literature means and discusses its features.The author scientifically substantiates that the literary movements that emerged throughout the multi-method literature era functioned as an artistic method and brings to attention the scientific and theoretical conclusions he made about the literary movements that appeared in Azerbaijani literature.
The scientific and theoretical provisions of the article, written on the basis of the experience of Azerbaijani literature of the period of Independence, in our time can serve as a key for studying the issue of artistic method in the literature of other peoples.





