Lyrical and epic types in Azerbaijani children's folklore


  • Semengul Gafarova Baku Slavyan University


child folklore, children’s world, lyrical genres, bayats, lullabies, similes, children’s songs, seasonal songs, epic genres, tales, legends and myths


They are also lyrical types of children’s folklore, reflecting all the interesting aspects of the children’s world with their sweetness and salinity. Poetic oral folklore follows a person from birth to the last day of his life. G.Namazov divided child folklore into three types: small (little) type, lyrical type, epic type. The lyrical type includes bayatis, lullabies, oxshamas, counters, duzguls, child songs, season songs, epic types of legends and stories, tales.
We know that man did not come into the world with moral, national values, mental, intellectual abilities, formed. But the development and formation of values that are of great importance for man also depends on the power of the word. So, it is his words and consciousness that make man human and distinguish him from other living beings. The value and meaning of the word depend on its creator - the feelings of the poetic spirit of the vocabulary of our grandparents. The lyrical form of oral folk literature, children’s folklore, created by the charming influence of the artistic word, also plays a great role in the development of children’s intellectual and artistic aesthetic perfection, awakens, revives, strengthens the senses of artistic pleasure, affects their feelings and instincts. It creates a new spirit and motive. Sometimes children become creators, not performers. Although the child does not understand the depth of this meaning, he looks at all issues from his own window, finds and masters things that suit his spirit. For children who accept miracles as normal, reality passes through the supernatural. Everything there looks different. One of the types of folklore that illuminates this colorful world of children is the epic.
Genres of epic folklore, one of the most valuable of the spiritual treasures created and preserved by the people, “highly express the will and desire of the people to whom they belong, hope for the future, attitude to history, worldview about man and time”.





