The semantic of names of historical figures, images in the works of Farman Karimzade


  • Leyla Rzayeva Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS


image, semantics, proper names, historical novels


This article deals with the semantic of names of historical figures, images used in the works of Farman Karimzade. In general, the selection and collection of proper names in the works of Farman Karimzade gives a very rich material for a comprehensive study of their stylistic features. Because the writer often expressed his attitude to the proper names which used in his novels, sometimes analyzed them from etymological point of view, has skillfully used from these proper names in the memory, perception of figurative aims. Farman Karimzade' s work has its peculiar semantic shades. Here words are used in different meanings, take on a new meaning according to their place, appear tender and depth layers of the word.
Names given to images in Farman Karimzade's historical novels, their stylistic features, the imagery of onomastic units in increasing the power of idea-artistic influence of works, proper name creation in language of novels, analysis of our writer's individual onomastics and etc. issues like this were the focus of attention in this article.
Many anthroponyms can be found when looking at Farman Karimzade's creation, especially his historical novels. These anthroponyms are mostly associated with historical figures. You can see that the author appeals more to historical figures according to these works are historical novels. When we research these novels, we can see all kinds of anthroponyms: personal names, patronymics, surnames, nicknames, pseudonyms, titles. In the article were given examples from writers' works.





