Organization of poetic text in the creativity of Vagif Bayatli Oder


  • Gulnara Abbasova Azerbaijan University of Languages


Dada Gorgud, Vagif Bayatli Oder, poet, poem, aruz, syllable


In the article is studied the measure in Vagif Bayatli Oder’s poetry. His poems are divided into three parts: syllable, free verse and destructive and specific examples of the poet’s creativity are shown according to each of these. The author has been studied the poet’s creativity in the background of development of Azerbaijani poetry after the 30s of the last century and he has been considered that its ancient roots are close to Dada Gorgud poetry. Researcher evaluated Vagif Bayatlı’s poem by content such as legal and logical conclusion of our artistic thought of five hundred years and focuses on his influence on the development of poetic thought after him. According to the author's conclusion the poet serves to build a bridge between the earth and the sky with the content and idea of his poems, and between the past and the future with the form of his poem.





