View to Azerbaijani sentimentalism


  • Isa Habibbayli Vice-President of ANAS


Azerbaijani literature, sentimentalism, literary movement, sentimental tradition


In the article is dealt with the literary movement of sentimentalism in detail, which is one of the literary movements used in Azerbaijan at the beginning of the 20th century. For a long time, this trend was presented not as an independent literary movement, but as one of the stylistic aspects within the framework of the literary movement of romanticism. As in world literature, sentimentalism emerged as a literary movement with the emergence of capitalist society in Azerbaijani literature. The traces of sentimental literature, which have emerged with the collapse of feudal relations in Azerbaijan since the middle of the 19th century, expanded after the establishment of capitalism in our country at the beginning of the 20th century and developed at the level of a literary movement. At the beginning of the 20th century, the creative relations and community of writers and poets, who highlight their feelings and emotions about current social events, have led to the emergence of the literary movement of sentimentalism.
Sentimentalism operated as a literary trend in Azerbaijani literature until the years of Soviet power. Important changes in the development of literature after the establishment of the USSR in Azerbaijan put an end to sentimentalism.
Although sentimentalism as a literary movement has long since ended, the sentimental tradition is continued in literature.





