Literary anthropology: anthropological approach to the text


  • Shahane Aliyeva Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


literary anthropology, text, etnography, reader-response criticism, author


The article discusses the emergence of literary anthropology, which is a new direction of anthropology, and the issues underlying the anthropological approach to the text. New approaches emerging in world literary studies promote approaching the literary text in a multidisciplinary context rather than in a limited framework. The analysis of the text with the method of anthropological research emphasizes the importance of the ethnic, social, psychological, and cultural codes that the text carries, apart from its existence as an aesthetic fact. The poetic features of the literary text are also studied in the anthropological background. The article also mentions the different aspects of the text anthropology research conducted in Western and Russian literary studies, and provides information about the existing studies on the anthropological method of text research in Azerbaijani literary studies. Also, it has been brought to attention that nowadays the tendency to study literary anthropology more as a part of cultural anthropology is observed.





