Mir Jalal – coryphaeus of Azerbaijani literature of 20th century

(To the 115th anniversary of writer


  • Tehran Alishanoglu


indpendence values, the idea of Azerbaijanism, novels of Mir Jalal, artistic laughter, revolutionary time, chronotope


In the article is studied the artistic creativity, scientific-philological activity and pedagogical heritage of Mir Jalal Pashayev, coryphaeus of Azerbaijani literature of 20th century, writer, literary critic, pedagogue in terms of indpendence values and the idea of Azerbaijanism; and writer’s services in the preservation and development of national values are interpreted. The artistic creativity of Mir Jalal prominent representative of Azerbaijani literature of 20th century Soviet period, founder of this literature and national prose of this period, consists of six novels, hundreds of stories, dozens of story books and numerous publicist writings. The mouthpiece and locomotive of his artistic creativity was profession of a novelist. Mir Jalal’s poems were rooted in the change of the people, society, and existence of Azerbaijan and were written for this purpose. Each of them are novels that trace “the revolutionary period” at the level of real Azerbaijan and create an image of real time.

Mir Jalal’s artistic laughter was a unique phenomenon and stood on the basis of his stories and novels. Writer succeeded in directly synthesizing and enriching the irony of Mirza Jalil and the satire of Sabir that took from classical literature with public laughter and creating the laughter of new times. A writer who benefited from the traditions of laughter of J. Mammadguluzade and A.Hagverdiyev developed the storytelling over half a century and created its own type of story.

In addition to the practice of literature, Mir Jalal engaged in the theory, history and criticism of literature with the same success. His monograph about M.Fuzuli, researches on classics of Azerbaijani literature of 20th century, textbooks about history and theory of literature entered the treasury of science of literary studies.






