The image of Natavan in the visual arts


  • Khazar Zeynalov


fine arts, image of Natavan, Omar Eldarov, Ogtay Sadygzade, Najafgulu Ismailov


The article talks about the creation of the artistic image of the famous poetess Natavan in the fine arts of Azerbaijan. The author notes that interest in this image arose in the early 50s of the last century, when the 120th anniversary of the birth of the poetess was celebrated. Following the plastic portrait created by Omar Eldarov, the artists began to capture the images of Natavan in painting and graphics. In particular, the images of the poetess were created by Ogtay Sadygzade, Najafgulu Ismailov, Altai Hajiyev and others. The image of the poetess also attracted the attention of young artists. Chingiz Mehbaliyev, a representative of young artists of the republic, created an interesting thematic composition, which depicts a popular historical plot – a game of chess between Natavan and the famous French writer Alexander Dumas, who visited the Caucasus in the middle of the century before last. The article also talks about other sculptural images of Natavan, among which stands out the bust installed in Shusha, desecrated by Armenian vandals in the past, and now completely restored and returned to its original place.






