Baku literary environment and Turkism ideas


  • Sabina Ahmedova


Amin Abid, Jafar Jabbarli, “Fuyuzat” (pleasure), patriotism, Turkism


Dashnak-Bolshevik neo-fascist military units, consisting of 90 percent of Armenians and 10 percent of Russian sailors, committed an unprecedented massacre in Baku, as a result of inhuman atrocities, 30 thousand people died, from children to 100 years old, in the end of March and in the beginning of April, 1918. After a while, this massacre spread throughout the country, the Dashnak-Bolshevik army staged a massacre in the most brutal ways in Shamakhi, Guba, Goychay, Lankaran, Salyan and in other lands. For preventing this, Mohammad Amin Rasulzadeh went to fraternal Turkey, joined Akhmad Bey Aghaoglu, whom he considered a master, and asked for help from the Turkish government and Turkish Defense Minister Anvar Pasha created a "Caucasian Islamic Army" consisting of Turkish soldiers, selected for liberation of Azerbaijan from the occupation and sent to save Azerbaijan.This army consisted of eleven thousand armed forces, twenty percent of which were Azerbaijani Turks.

The heroic warriors of the Caucasian Islamic Army defeated the Dashnak-Bolshevik military units throughout the Caucasus, and approached to the area, which called "Gara Maryam" near Goychay.Here he was met by the 18,000 Bolshevik army, which was sent by the chairman – Baku Council of People's Commissars Stephan Shahumyan. Shahumyan sent this army, which is consists of eighty percent Russians and twenty percent Armenians, to destroy the headquarters of the "Azerbaijan Democratic Republic" in Ganja, as well as for committing genocide against the residents of Ganja. But, the heroic Turkish soldiers defeated the Bolshevik army in three days and moved towards Baku. Brave soldiers, who cleared Shamakhi and Kurdamir of the Dashnak-Bolshevik executioners moved towards Baku and faced the British army at the entrance of Baku, which was summoned by the Armenians. Fierce fighting broke out between them from 5 August to 14 September, finally, the British, unable to resist the brave Turkish soldiers, raised the white flag and surrendered, on September 15, on the day of Eid al-Adha, the Caucasian Islamic Army entered Baku. Azerbaijani people met them with great love, and this day went down in history as, perhaps, the most significant event.






