Sheikh Mohammad Rasizadeh in the triangle of science, religion and spirituality


  • Lutviyye Esgerzade


Sheikh Mohammad Rasizadeh, science and religion, environment, contemporaries


"Religion without science is lame, science without religion is blind" (A.Einstein). Perhaps the path to a happier world lies in finding common ground between these two perspectives and bringing them together, in the unity of science and religion. There are individuals who have achieved this through their lives and activities. One of them is one of the bright personalities of Azerbaijan, Sheikh Mohammad Rasizade.

Sheikh Mohammed belongs to the Rasizadeh dynasty, "a generation that brought up Mr. Javid, who did a great job in the formation of national self-consciousness and wrote the golden pages of our literary history." Mohammad Rasizadeh, who received his religious education in Tehran and returned to his homeland as a sheikh, was a teacher from 1906 until the end of his life, working for the enlightenment and progress of the people.

The article examines the environment and contemporaries of the poet, pedagogue, researcher and writer Sheikh Muhammad, a son of the Nakhchivan environment in which science, religion and spirituality developed and formed in unity.






