Bulbul's creative path in the synthesis of Eastern and European cultures


  • Sevil Farhadova


singer, Eastern–European culture, synthesis, founder of the school of vocalists,, mugham tradition, opera dramaturgy


This article comprehends the possibility and regularity of the synthesis of Eastern and European cultures on the basis of Azerbaijani traditional and European vocal classics. On the example of the creative fate of a separate outstanding personality - the coryphaeus of the Bulbul school of vocalists, the most indicative tendencies for the characterized time are traced, associated with the convergence of cultures, in connection with the preached values, such as “brotherhood and friendship of peoples”, “internationalism”, etc. Special attention is paid to the qualitative transformations taking place in Azerbaijani culture, their motivation and regularity are highlighted.

From the standpoint of the conceptual content of mugham, the facts of the biography and creative life of Bul-Bul are examined in a new way, his contribution to the development of vocal performance is comprehended. His growing interest in the collection, preservation, and study of numerous samples of traditional music is substantiated over time. At the end of the article, forecasts are made about the prevalence and future trends aimed at integrating Azerbaijani music into world culture while maintaining national identity.






