Perspectives of creating of the museum of the history of Nakhchivan city


  • Nazmin Jafarova


cultural tourism, knowledge society, knowledge economy, museums, Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan, urban culture


The article substantiates the necessity and expediency of creating museums of the history of concrete cities in Azerbaijan and provides the primary concept of the Museum of the History of Nakhchivan city. When considering the role of cultural and educational tourism and the activities of its important component – museums – in the formation of the knowledge society and the knowledge economy, it is noted that the expansion of the social functions of museums has led to their active participation in the life of modern societies and close interaction with the creative industries.

When creating the Museum of the History of Nakhchivan city, it is obligatory to observe the principles of historicism, visibility and interactivity, based on modern standards. According to the primary concept, everything related to the city should be reflected in the museum: the etymology of the name "Nakhchivan", historical and cultural monuments, quarters of the city, stages of development and building, outstanding natives, architecture, literature, culture, cuisine and etc.







