The concept of historical personality in “Tabriz’s Pride” novel

(Based on the analysis of the images of the ruler of the Elkhanids Sultan Abu Said Bahadur Khan and Amir Choban)


  • Lamiya Nasirova


historical novel, the concept of personality, Ilkhanids, Amir Choban, Abu Said Bahadur Khan


The novel "Tabriz’s Pride" is important in terms of a full and comprehensive study the artistic image of the ninth ruler of the Ilkhanid state Abu Said Bahadur Khan and the historical figure Amir Choban. The research aims to analyze the important aspects of the artistic image and character of historical figures in the novel.

The description of the Elkhanid period in the novel begins with the narration of the part "Murder in Nakhchivan". "Tabriz’s Pride” novel describes the artistic image of the historical figure Abu Said Bahadur Khan from the time he came to power until his death, against the background of the political and social landscape of the Ilkhanid state. Abu Said Khan was granted the honorific title of “Bahadur” for his bravery in the battle with Amir Qurumshi in Soltaniyah. The novel revives the historical image of the Mongol khan Abu Said Bahadur Khan, describes his political activity and human qualities. The period when the ruler began his political activity coincided with the period of contradictory, mixed and feudal civil strife in the Elkhanid dynasty. The novel reveals the weakness and remorse of Abu Said Bahadur Khan in the face of treacherous events. The novel describes the Mongol ruler as a person who sometimes is aware of his inexperience and weakness in political activities and the great danger to his power.

The analysis of the image of Amir Choban reveals the ruler's inner qualities, the positive and negative aspects of his character. The internal strife and political pressures in the Elkhanid state from time to time damaged the reputation of Amir al-Umar Choban, who controlled all the affairs of the state. Against the background of feudal civil strife and conflicting events, the work provides a generalized description of individual features of the image of Amir Choban.







