The problem of national independence in Mahammad Altunbay’s publicism


  • Abid Tahirli


emigration publicism, Mahammad Altunbay, “Mujahid” collection, the struggle for national independence, the totalitarian Soviet regime


In the article the problem of national independence that constitutes the main line of the creativity of Mahammad Altunbay (1911, Ganja – 1987, Ankara), prominent figure of Azerbaijani emigration literature is analyzed on the basis of publicist’s articles such as “Independence drenched in blood”, “The Living Dead”, “9 years in the death camp”, “Azerbaijan” and others. The following scientific and theoretical conclusions are:

- M.Altunbay’s publicism is one of the valuable examples that illuminates the path of the struggle for national independence in the emigrant heritage and exposes all the ugliness of the totalitarian Soviet regime on concrete facts.

- The idea and content of publicist’s works are national, militant, and multifaceted, its language is rich, imaginative; the style is interesting, original, in a word, the level of mastership is worthy and commendable.

- These works introduce the path of their ancestors to youth and strengthen their national feelings, love for independence and homeland.

M.Altunbay’s publicistic examples dedicated to national independence movement, Soviet regime and to the criticism of communist ideology are actual and important today as in the years of struggle against the empire.

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