About management communication in the language of cinema


  • Fizuli Mustafayev


adjective, number, management connection, verb type, infinitive, grammatical connection


The article is devoted to management communication in the language of cinema. In movie terms, a governing relationship is between the sides of the underlying object and the relational relationships. The main feature of administrative relations is that the subordinate clause must be in one form or another at the request of the subordinate clause.

According to research, in the language of cinema, the subordinate part of the connections formed by control relations consists mainly of verbs. This is due to the nature of the verb.

In the article, when discussing the use of verbs as the main aspect of managerial phrases, the category of efficiency and inefficiency in verbs is one of the most important aspects. Since this category is stored in all types of verbs, all verbs can handle other words without exception.

It is noted that in the language of cinema, the category of effectiveness and inefficiency is important in management relations, therefore, all internal changes in the verb related to this category affect management relations and change the nature of these combinations.

In general, the modifier suffixes of the verb in the Azerbaijani language, as well as the form suffixes, do not play any role in its management, because in management relations, the appearance, not the form, but the internal aspect, the meaning is key.

The article uses relevant works, monographs and interesting films.






