Satirical creativity of Rufat Zabioglu


  • Elmira Babayeva


Azerbaijani literature, Rufat Zabioglu, satirical poetry of 60s, parody, classic tradition, folk samples


In the article, the satirical poetry by Rufat Zabioglu, a representative of the 60s generation in the Azerbaijani literature, is involved in the study. The genre of satire, having passed a long path of evolution in our literature, gained a completely new status at the beginning of the 20th century in the creative work of M.A.Sabir and in general of the Mollanasreddinist writers. Undoubtedly, unusual style, way of expression, novelty of form and content in the genre of satire created by the Molla Nasreddin literary school, had a strong influence on the subsequent period of satirical poetry and contributed to the development of this genre in our literature. Among the new representatives that appeared in the literature in the 60s, Rufat Zabioglu, with his unique style, took a special place in our satirical poetry. In the rich and multifaceted work of Rufat Zabioglu, in addition to his lyrical poems, a significant place is occupied by satiric poems on various topics, which denounce internal and moral vices, bribery, embezzlement, greed, self-interest, ambition, vanity, injustice, indifference in society. In the study, a significant place is given to the analysis of these issues.

In addition, the focus of the article is on the influence of Rufat Zabioglu’s work on the further development of our satirical literature and its relevance in present.






