The possessive category in medieval Turkic scientific works


  • Shabnam Hasanli-Garibova


possesive category, Turkic languages, category, scientific style, medieval period


The grammatical structure of the language is formed based on certain categories. These categories are related to a person's generalization and assembling characteristics about the matter. The possessive category expresses the position and affiliation of a person about entities and objects in the matter. Although the expressive possibilities of the possessive category in the Turkic scientific works of the 13th-16th centuries are generally the same, graphic differences are evident in the manuscripts of different regions. As can be seen from the examples, there is no definite order in which the figures are increased according to the lip and palate harmony at which point. In the linguistic works written in the XIII-XVI centuries, there is almost no extensive theoretical information about the possessive category. Even in some cases, the possessive suffix is mixed with the possessive case and predicative suffixes. The article examines all these controversial issues and substantiates theoretical facts with examples from works written in Ottoman Turkish, Mamluk Kipchak, and Chagatai languages.






