Mukhammas in Azerbaijani ashug poetry


  • Khanim Mirzayeva


genre, mukhammas, syllabic meter, aruz meter, rhyme, radif


Azerbaijani ashug creativity has been a source for written literature and written literature has also been an invaluable vocabulary for ashug poetry and it has been of great importance in enriching the subject in terms of plot, form and genre. There are a number of genres passed from classical literature to ashug poetry, they have taken a wide place in the repertoire of the ashugs, and new forms of it have been emerged. In this regard mukhammas, one of the genres of classical poetry attracts attention with its unique development in Azerbaijani ashug poetry. In the article is examined the forms, meter features of mukhammas used in ashug poetry, attention is attracted to issues such as its acquisition of the rhythm, harmony metre, unit of poem belonging to ashug poetry and the emergence of new forms and types. The features that the genre of mukhammas acquired in ashug poetry are revealed based on examples brought from the works of individual ashugs. On the basis of specific examples belonging to mukhammas genre, in ashug poetry it is dealt with its form and types in detail.






