The considerations on the new clothing style of ashugs
Ashug, the saz, Ashug art, Ashug clothing style, nationalityAbstract
The tradition of Ashug art has roots deep in history, dating back to ancient times. While
its emergence and evolution are deeply rooted in ethnic and cultural heritage, Ashug art holds a
special place in preserving the historical legacy, bloodline, and ancestral memory of the Turkic
nation. This cultural phenomenon, characterised by the harmonious blend of solo performances,
music, and dance movements, has undergone a significant historical journey, evolving over time.
Lately, there has been a focus on revitalising the fashion associated with Ashug clothing.
Particularly, the decision to adopt a national clothing style in Ashug attire is commendable. It is
evident that in recent years, Ashugs have successfully integrated both modernity and their national
identity into their clothing styles. In this regard, promoting Ashug art is crucial for the protection of
our national identity, the preservation of our cultural heritage, and the transmission of our national
and spiritual values to the generations that follow. It is equally vital for nurturing the upcoming
generations, fostering a strong connection to our cultural roots, and providing them with the
necessary guidance in this direction.