Azerbaijani ktematonyms in the language of cinema


  • Fizuli Mustafayev


onomastics, toponym, ktematonym, anthroponym, zoonym, hydronym


The article is devoted to Azerbaijani ktematonyms in the language of cinema. Research
shows that this group of special names, presented under the name of ktematonyms, is still almost
excluded from linguistic research. The study of semantics, lexical composition, grammatical
structure, spelling, orthoepy and other linguistic features of these names can be considered an
important stage in the history of the development of Azerbaijani linguistics and Azerbaijani culture
as a whole.
It is noted that there are such types of ktematonyms as chrematonyms, chrononyms, ideonyms and
ergonyms The special names of chrematonyms refer to material and cultural objects belonging to different
areas of our language. These include sweets, soap, cloth, furniture, refrigerators, rifles, mineral
water, jewelry, boats and trains.
In another section of the article, chrononyms are discussed and explained. The article also pays
special attention to ideonyms. It is noted that ideonyms include special names associated with
science, culture and literature. Publishing, press names are also considered ideonyms.
The last section of the article is devoted to ergonomics. The names of offices and enterprises,
operas, theaters, cinemas and canteens, cafes, restaurants refer to ergonomics. The article uses many
examples from literature and cinema.





